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The 2022-2023 FTC season game was POWERPLAY. Each match teams competed to score cones and create circuits (cones scored in a line across the playing field) during the thirty second autonomous period, followed by the two minute driver controlled period. During the last thirty seconds of the match called the end game, teams had the opportunity to cap a junction with a beacon and park in their alliance's terminal for extra points.

At the beginning of the season, we spent a lot of time assessing our material assets in order to form a plan for the rest of the year by going through old robotics materials, notes, and parts that were left over from previous years. We then ordered a new chassis using money from the school board and completed its assembly. With the dangers of low funds rising, we obtained West Street Veterinary Clinic as a sponsor and ordered the necessary materials. Our original design featured a single tower with a unique claw that was meant to expand in the cup and retract for a reliable, linear release. However, our first qualifying match in January did not go to plan as our robot failed to even participate in multiple rounds as we suffered from significant hardware issues.

However, following the match, we were given a new REV Control Hub which allowed us to create a reliable system that would not falter at future competitions. New designs came with the new possibilities that came with our new control hub. William Goldman and Alex Tucker designed a double-arm robot that would transition the cone from the alliance substation onto the closest tall junction without having to move. After spending the remaining weeks building and programming, our team reached the date of our final qualifier in Canton. You can read more about our work this season in our Engineering Portfolio (featured below) created by Jackson Frey.