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The 2023-2024 FTC season game is CENTERSTAGE. During the thirty-second autonomous period, robots place plastic tiles known as 'pixels' in their corresponding Backdrop or Backstage region. Robots then park at the end of the period for extra points. In the two-minute driver-controlled period, alliances earn points by scoring pixels on their Backdrops or in their Backstage areas. Finally, in the endgame, alliances continue to score pixels on Backdrops or Backstage. They also launch Drones from their Robots into Landing Zones in front of the Playing Field and/or suspend their Robots from the Truss.

This season the team expanded to over 30 members, and fundraising efforts by Jackson Frey, William Goldman, and Maggie Goldman helped the team to raise over $2,000. With the new funds, an entirely new chassis was built with smaller dimensions to more easily navigate the complex CENTERSTAGE field, and higher-power motors to enable faster maneuvering. After attending a scrimmage at Needham High School, the team participated in its first qualifying match, Rocket Rumble. After placing 11th out of 22 teams thanks to over 70 points scored by our reliable drone launcher, we look forward to our next and final match of the season in Canton.

At our second qualifier in Canton, we finished with outstanding results. After placing 8th out of 25 schools in the initial matches, we were picked to compete in the finals and our alliance was seeded 3rd. In the semifinals we beat the 2nd seed in a best of 3 by a score of 2-1 and Broken Code was part of both wins. Despite failing to qualify for states after losing in the final match, our team placed 2nd overall and our team recieved its first trophy in over 10 years. Most especially, during this event, we set the Massachusetts State record alongside team 19411 Tech Tigers at 277 points! Following this event we are now ranked as the #2 team in Massachusetts!